Cataract Removal Surgery

A cataract is basically a clouding of the normally clear lens of the eye. This is due to a protein build-up that occurs with age. If left unattended, a cataract can turn into a debilitating condition as it can stop you from detecting movement and seeing everyday objects.

Cataract surgery involves taking out the ‘damaged’ lens and replacing it with an artificial one. This may sound painful, but the procedure is actually quick, painless and safe. Cataract surgery is one of the few operations that can ‘turn back the clock’ as it can restore your eyesight to the level it had been previously.

Benefits of Cataract Surgery

Cataracts can really impact your life, sometimes meaning that you can longer enjoy the things that you used to. After have surgery you should be able to:

  • see things clearly - focus better
  • tell the difference between colours
  • look into brighter light with less glare

Before Surgery

Before surgery you will meet with your consultant for an assessment. During this appointment a series of measures will be taken of your eyes and assessments made of your eyesight. The consultant will ask what type of lens you would prefer, either monofocal for long or short sight, or multifocal. You will have the opportunity to discuss anything regarding your operation and recovery, including:

  • the benefits and risks associated with the surgery
  • if you'll need glasses after surgery
  • how long you'll take to fully recover

The Operation

The operation is a straightforward procedure that usually takes 30 to 45 minutes and is carried out under a local anaesthetic. During the procedure the surgeon will make a very small incision in your eye to enable them to remove the cloudy lens before replacing it with a clear plastic one.

If you have cataracts in both eyes, you'll need two separate procedures.


The risk of serious complications developing as a result of cataract surgery is very low.

Most common complications can be treated with medicines or further surgery.

There is a very small risk – around 1 in 1,000 – of permanent sight loss in the treated eye as a direct result of the operation.

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