
What is Gynaecology?

Gynaecology is the medical practice dealing with the health of the female reproductive systems (vagina, uterus and ovaries).

The Spencer Private Hospital Gynaecology Clinic is fully equipped to provide a full range of diagnostic services, including hysteroscopy and colposcopy. As well as dealing with general gynaecological problems, the clinic offers specialist advice and management of abnormal cervical smears, ovarian cysts and endometriosis.

We have a fully equipped theatre where the full range of minimal access procedures (both hysteroscopic and laparoscopic) can be carried out. Some procedures, such as a hysteroscopy, colposcopy and loop diathermy (LLETZ procedure) can be carried out in the specially equipped day surgery/outpatient treatment rooms.

Please visit our Prices page for information on self funding your Gynaecology care.


A colposcopy involves using a bright light and a microscope to look at your cervix. The preparation is the same as for when you have a cervical smear. During this procedure, a solution of weak acetic acid (vinegar) is used to dab the cervix. This will then show up any abnormal cells as they will change colour. Should any abnormal cells be present, the consultant will be able to identify them and take a small biopsy to send away for further analysis.

Loop Diathermy (LLETZ)

A loop diathermy, or LLETZ, is a minor procedure usually recommended after an abnormal cervical smear test result. You will need to be prepared in much the same way as for a cervical smear, the difference being that you will be given a local anaesthetic into the cervix at the beginning of the procedure.

The aim of the loop diathermy is to remove the area of cells which are abnormal so that they may be looked at under the microscope for further investigation. The procedure itself takes only a few minutes to perform. In many cases this will be the only treatment that you will need, though you will require follow up colposcopies to make sure that you have healed well and that there is no reoccurrence of abnormal cell growth.



Gynaecology is concerned with the care the Reproductive Systems of women or girls.

Gynaecologists inspect, evaluate, diagnose and treat conditions and diseases of the ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus, cervix and vagina.

Some of the conditions they deal with include infections of the vagina, uterus and cervix, cervical, ovarian, uterine, vaginal and vulvar cancers and conditions such as endometriosis, polycystic ovary syndrome, infertility and incontinence.

They perform many surgical procedures including hysterectomy.

Gynaecologists have also been trained in obstetrics (pregnancy and childbirth) but their main concern is the care of women's health in general, especially in relation to the female reproductive system - dealing with issues ranging from menstruation and fertility to sexually transmitted diseases and hormone disorders.


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