NHS e-Referral Service
In partnership with the NHS e-Referral service, you can receive your NHS medical treatment in one of our hospitals. The e-Referral Service allows you to choose the time, date and hospital or clinic for your outpatient appointment.
NHS Patients are waiting longer than ever for care. It's therefore important patients exercise their right to choose where they are treated to get the quickest possible care.
Why Spencer Private Hospitals?
- Be seen by the consultant of your choice
- Be seen on time – You do not have to wait as the consultant will not be double booked
- Excellent infection control rates (see Quality Accounts)
- Exemplary standards of cleanliness
- Your own private room, with en-suite, television and room service for inpatient stays
- A food menu suitable for all dietary requirements
- Extended visiting hours
All patients now have the right to choose which hospital provider they are referred to by their GP/referrer. This legal right, which was introduced in April 2009, lets patients choose from any hospital provider in England offering a suitable treatment that meets the NHS standard and costs.
Patients can choose which hospital they are seen in according to what matters most to them, whether it's location, waiting times, reputation, clinical performance, visiting policies, parking facilities or patients' comments. Patients can also choose to go to independent sector providers who have a contract with the NHS.
Ask your GP
Ask your GP to refer you to Spencer Private Hospitals. It's your legal right and if it isn't offered at the point of referral then you should discuss the options available to you with your GP or the GP practice staff. If Spencer Private Hospitals is not given as a choice on the letter from your GP, please contact us on 0330 019 4890 or email enquiries@spencerhospitals.com
Admission Criteria
Spencer Private Hospitals operates within an Admission Criteria basis.
This means that all patients being referred into our hospitals must meet our Admission Criteria. Any patients who are found to not meet our Admission Criteria will be returned to their GP for an appropriate referral to a suitable hospital.
Please see our Admission Criteria for full details.
Our Hospitals
At Spencer Private Hospitals we ensure the best possible facilities for our patients. We are unique amongst other private providers as we buy a wide range of services from the NHS and all profits are re-invested into East Kent University Hospitals Foundation Trust, thus increasing local NHS revenue. We welcome all to our hospital. Everybody receives the same exceedingly high level of care.
The Spencer Private Hospital in Margate is a purpose-built hospital located close to the Accident & Emergency unit at the Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother Hospital (QEQM). The unit has its own High Dependency Unit and access to Intensive Care facilities as well as five Consulting Rooms, a treatment room and audiology services in partnership with Hidden Hearing. We are also able to offer outpatient Physiotherapy services.
The Spencer Private Hospital in Ashford is located within the Arundel Unit of the William Harvey Hospital (WHH). The facility has five Consulting Rooms, a treatment room and audiology services in partnership with Hidden Hearing. We are also able to offer outpatient Physiotherapy services.
The Spencer Private Hospital in Canterbury is located within the Emergency Care facility at Kent & Canterbury Hospital (KCH). In November 2019 we opened our new location at the Kent & Canterbury Hospital, following our successful registration with the Care Quality Commission (CQC). This expansion comes as a result of increased demand as well as an identified need to make our services easily accessible to all. The new outpatient facility offers private consultations in Orthopaedics, Urology, Gynaecology, Rheumatology, HCOOP, General Surgery and Healthscreening.
At Spencer Private Hospitals we are driven to offer the best standard of care and expertise. Each of our consultants meets stringent eligibility criteria which is is reviewed bi-annually. Our consultants cover over 20 different specialities from Dermatology to Vascular Surgery and everything in between.
Services offered through the e-Referral service
- General Surgery
- ENT -Aural Care & Thyroid
- Orthopaedic – Spine
- Orthopaedic - Hip
- Orthopaedic - Knee
- Orthopaedic – Hand, wrist, Elbow
- Gynaecology
- Orthopaedic - Shoulder
- Gastroenterology
- Gynaecology – Urogynaecology
- Urology
- Pain Management
- Physiotherapy
- Urology
We cannot accept any of the following:
- Patients under the age of 18
- Patients with suspected cancer, including the biopsies of lesions suspected to be cancer
- Patients with incapacitating conditions that are a constant threat to life
- Patients not expected to survive without the treatment
- Patients with a known history of violence
- Patients with a known or suspected drug addiction
- Patients receiving psychiatric treatment and/or mentally unstable
- Patients requiring dialysis
- Patients in the 2nd / 3rd trimester of pregnancy
- Patients detained by HM’s Prison Service
- Conditions contrary to the CCG’s referral and treatment criteria
- Urgent referrals, we can only see Routine referrals
Payment for Choose and Book/e-Referral
The NHS covers all the costs of your treatment with us except for personal items such as phone calls.
Contact Us
You may write to us using our online contact form on our contact page, or on the form at the bottom of this page. Alternatively, feel free to call us on 0330 019 4890