Consultant Profile

Ms Nimmi Manheri-Othayoth MBBS, MRCOG, M.S (O&G), DFSRH, PG Cert Med US (O&G)
Practising at: Ashford, Canterbury & Margate
Specialties: Menstrual Disorders, Recurrent pregnancy loss, Minimal access gynacological surgery, Laparoscopy, Hysteroscopy
Current NHS and /or university posts: Consultant in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, QEQM Hospital, Margate
Year of first medical qualification and medical school attended: MBBS 2001 (Calicut University, India)
Current membership(s) of professional, national and regional bodies: GMC, RCOG, FSRH, BSGE
Background Information
Contact Details
Telephone NHS Appointments:
0330 019 4890
Private Secretary Name:
Anna Francis (M/Tu) Emma Dugard (Wed/Th/Fr)
Private Secretary Telephone:
Anna 01843 234550 Emma 01304 222692
Private Secretary Email Address: