Consultant Profile

Mr Raghuram Boyapati MBBCh, BDS, MDS, FRCSEd( OMFS)
Practising at: Ashford
Specialties: Head and Neck Surgery, Maxillofacial Surgery, Oral and Maxillo Facial Surgery (OMFS)
Special clinical interests:
Head and neck cancer and management
Oral cancer diagnosis and treatment
Skin cancers excisions and reconstruction of facial defects
Oral surgery
Surgical removal of impacted wisdom teeth
Facial lumps, moles excision etc.
Current membership(s) of professional, national and regional bodies:
British Association of Oral &Maxillofacial Surgeons
European Association of Cranio- Maxillofacial Surgery
British Medical Association
Background Information
Mr Raghuram Boyapati is a substantive NHS Consultant Oral, Facial/ Head and Neck Surgeon at East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust, UK. Mr Raghuram Boyapati is dually qualified in both Medicine and Dentistry.
Mr Raghuram Boyapati obtained MBBCh from the esteemed Trinity College Dublin, Ireland and BDS, MDS (Oral Surgery) from India prior to embarking on post-graduate dental (MFDSRCS) and Medical (MRCS) Royal College examinations.
Mr Raghuram Boyapati then pursued Maxillofacial higher surgical training for 5 years in Kent, Surrey & Sussex deanery obtaining immense experience in Dento-Alveolar surgery, Head & Neck cancer, salivary gland surgery, Facial skin cancer, Facial trauma and Orthognathic surgery.
Mr Boyapati became a fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh (FRCSEd) after becoming successful in the Surgical Exit Examination to receive certificate of completion of training (CCT).
Mr Raghuram Boyapati was appointed substantive Head & Neck Surgeon in East Kent with NHS clinical commitments in Ashford, Canterbury and Margate.
Mr Raghuram Boyapati is a member of the European Association of Cranio- Maxillofacial Surgeons and a fellow of the British Association of Oral &Maxillofacial Surgeons.
Contact Details
Private Secretary Telephone:
01227 764668
Private Secretary Email Address: