Consultant Profile

Mr Georgios Papadopoulos MD FEBU FHAU FRCS (Eng)
Practising at: Ashford & Margate
Specialties: Urology, endourology, kidney stones, prostate cancer, bladder cancer, prostatitis, bladder disorders, urinary tract infections, vasectomy, Testicular surgery, Diagnostic cystoscopy, Male and female urinary symptoms, Hydrocoele repair, Epididymal cyst excision, circumcision
Special clinical interests: Mr Papadopoulos clinical practice encompasses the investigation, diagnosis and management of a number of benign and cancerous urological disorders including:
• No Scalpel, No Needle Vasectomy
• Penile and scrotal surgery (Circumcision, Frenuloplasty, Hydrocele repair)
• Haematuria (blood in the urine)
• Prostate enlargement (BPH), urinary symptoms both in men and women and urinary tract infections
• UROLIFT (Minimally invasive procedure for management of the enlargement of the Prostate)
• Surgical management of the enlargement of the prostate (TURP)
• Bladder Cancer (TURBT)
Year of first medical qualification and medical school attended: 2000
Current membership(s) of professional, national and regional bodies: Royal College of Surgeons of England ( Fellow)
European Board of Urology (Fellow)
Hellenic Urological Association (Fellow)
General Medical Council
Medical Protection Society (MPS)
Background Information
Consultant Urological Surgeon Mr Georgios Papadopoulos after he completed his higher surgical training in Urology he sub-specialised at a high volume Endourology and Stone leading University Hospitals in the London Region and Brighton. Mr Papadopoulos is Specialist in Endoscopic Management of Benign and Malignant Urological Diseases and Surgical Treatment of Stones of the Urinary Tract
Within the NHS Mr Papadopoulos is the Lead Surgeon of Non Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer. He is a passionate expert in Endourology and General Urology and has a Specialist Interest in Endoscopic Management of the Enlargement of the prostate, Bladder Cancer, Urinary Stones
Contact Details
Telephone NHS Appointments:
0330 019 4890
Private Secretary Name:
Elizabeth Hollingsbee
Private Secretary Telephone:
01843 234551
Private Secretary Email Address: