Chris: My Experience with Men's Health
Date: 13/06/2022
I suppose traditionally Men’s health isn’t something that is often discussed. Well at least not in my experience. It’s only recently that we have begun to open up about mental health and there is now a lot more support out there than there was before which is great. However – we also shouldn’t neglect our physical health and we should be open to talking about it. Also, although this is specifically about men’s health, I would welcome female readers to pass this onto their male loved ones – it’s an important message!
Right – let’s talk balls! Testicles, gonads, nuts – whatever you want to call them! I have had at least four scans to check testicular lumps since I was 16 and my latest one was this year at 34. It’s a nervous time waiting to have the scan and you can’t help but worry.
I have been very lucky that each time it has been a cyst – I’ve been told this can be common for those with an active lifestyle. Now although each time it has been a false alarm, it is always better to be safe rather than sorry!
Now, did you know that…
· Testicular cancer is the most common form of cancer in young men, but if caught early enough there is a 98% chance of recovery
· Around 2400 men each year are diagnosed with testicular cancer
· It is most common in men aged 15 – 49 but older men can still get it too
(Source: Cancer Research UK and Macmillan)
So, gentlemen – make sure you regularly check – at least once a month! Here’s some guidance from
· Get to know how your balls look and feel normally
· Once a month, take a few minutes to check for any changes
· The best time is after a bath or shower when the skin is relaxed
· Rest your balls in the palm of your hand, and gently roll each one between finger and thumb
If you find something strange, don’t stew over whether it’s serious or not. Go straight to your GP! This will give you the best chance of early diagnosis in the rare event of testicular cancer. Early diagnosis means:
1. Better chance of successful treatment
2. Quicker and more straightforward treatment
Remember: Testicular problems are usually caused by something much less serious than cancer, but you should never try to figure out what’s wrong without your doctor’s advice.
Chris, Project Management Officer