Mental Health Awareness Week

Date: 20/05/2020

This week is Mental Health Awareness Week, and in these trying times more people than ever are suffering the effects of poor mental health. Feeling isolated and disconnected can bring on anxiety and depression, and together with the uncertainty of the current situation people are really feeling the effects. Small acts can mean the world and so remember to be kind, we’re in this together.

It’s important to try and keep some routine in your life, making sure that you’re getting enough sleep and getting outside where possible (observing social distancing). Keep in touch with family and friends by phone or social media. Try and keep yourself occupied, maybe try that one thing you’ve never had the time to do or binge that series you’ve heard about.

Social media is a great tool for keeping in touch with people, and our Wellness Committee have created our very own Spencer Private Hospitals Wellness Group so that staff can keep in touch and get the support that they need. It’s important to remember that we’re not alone, and to extent our kindness to others that may be suffering.

If you’re struggling, remember that you’re not alone; talk to somebody. If you don’t feel comfortable speaking to someone close to you then there are other places where you can get help.

Stay Positive, Be Kind, Save Lives

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Mental Health Awareness Week

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